Noelle did superb on this trip. She met and surpassed all expectations-- Traveled in the car well (first long trip and we had no "accidents" from our rookie toilet user); slept well in actual, full size beds; loved all the cousins, especially Andrew, her "First Cousin" ('cuz she met him first- lol!); enjoyed chatting and teasing with Grandma and Papa and the Aunts and Uncles; she loved the 2 big dogs, Holly (Heather's) and Buck (Kellie's), especially when they were in their "castles" (kennels) and not covering her at-muzzle-level face with doggie kisses; and was just plain happy to have her mommy and daddy by her side for 8 whole days. (we kinda liked that, too!)
It was so wonderful to see Eric's family. The time went by much too fast and I hope we will get to see everyone again soon. Living far apart stinks! We love you guys!!!
Here is First Cousin Andrew. Noelle took to him immediately.

Noelle really, really wanted to pet Buck, so Kellie provided a little doggie restraint so Noelle could get close.
Awwwww. Now that's more like it!
2 on 1 basket ball with Matt. Not sure who won this game.
You are under arrest! Charge: telling cheesy dad-style jokes (The girl on the right is Kenzie's neighbor friend)
Here's our little Mia Hamm! (is that the correct reference??)
(or maybe not...)
Wait up, girls!
In Kellie's van to pick up some yummy Chinese take-out for dinner. Very appropriate since this was Noelle's adoption anniversary week.
Eric's mom took this picture after morning church. We wanted to have another "happy family" photo to include with our Taiwan adoption paperwork. Please note Noelle's very sour expression. Cracks me up! Can't remember what had her so cranky.
Here is the photo after bribing Noelle to smile (MM's). What a great little actress! lol
**We actually took quite a few more photos, but due to a memory card issue with our camera, they appear to be lost somewhere in the galaxy. Ugh. Eric thinks he might have a way to retrieve a few. We shall see...
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