Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day! (and an even greater freedom)

I LOVE this day!! I love the times of laughter, memories, and fellowshipping with family and friends. I love the picnics, the BBQ, the fireworks, the flags waving... But most of all I love living in a nation founded on God-honoring principles. I am deeply thankful for, and indebted to, the men and women who have fought, and continue to fight for our FREEDOM-- for our friends, for our families, for me!! It humbles me. Thank you for your sacrifice.

I also am reminded of The One who paid The Ultimate Sacrifice (death on the cross) for our freedom - the freedom from sin and the freedom over death. Our Lord Jesus - praise His name!! This is FREEDOM we can celebrate today...and every day!!!

I hope YOU are able to participate in this celebration-- freedom from sin and a relationship with Christ. If you are unable to celebrate this way, ask Him into your heart and life today, Right Now. Then email me. I'd love to pray with you and join you in this new celebration!!!!! :)

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