Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Verse from the Psalms for Mothers

-Adoption is not Plan B-

God has proven this statement true in the lives of those who have been personally touched by the miracle of adoption. However some of you reading the blog may be new to the idea of adoption for your own family. Maybe you are struggling with infertility. You wonder why God put the desire in your heart to be a parent, yet you seem unable to conceive. Or maybe you have a life which seems so chaotic with the children you already have, yet you feel God tugging on your heart to do more- to "care for the orphan". Or maybe you simply fear you won't be able to fully love a child that doesn't come from your body.

Whatever your fears, God hears and understands...and He has reassurance for all those doubts. Just check out this awesome verse from Psalm 113!!

"He settles the *barren* woman in her home as the happy mother of children."

Wow!! Did you read that? Read it again. When I discoved this passage recently in an adoptive mother's memoir, the words practically lept off the page. I nearly shouted out loud- right in Barnes & Noble cafe! Isn't that an incredible encouragement and reassurance?! God is telling us that His FIRST PLAN for many moms (and dads) is to create their family through ADOPTION! How cool is that?!

And it shouldn't surprise us. After all, isn't ADOPTION what God does with each of us through the death and resurection of His son Jesus? He takes us as His own - with all of our bruises and baggage - and never looks back. And all of heaven rejoices!

I like the word "settles" as used by the NIV. This indicates that bringing a child into our home through adoption will not create 'a disturbance' in the family. (Don't we all like to plan out our lives and dislike anything that interfers with *our* goals...) Rather it will bring a sense of 'rightness' and completeness into our home.

"Barren" obviously refers to a child with no 'biological' connection. The writer of the psalm couldn't speak plainer here. A child coming not through birth, but by the hand of God. And the depth of love and comittment is just as real and just as sure.

Then the mother in the passage is called the "happy mother" of children. This mother is not one who regrets her decision to adopt. This is not a mother filled with doubts and insecurities. This is a woman filled with JOY for the gifts (children) God has given from His own hand.

If God has been speaking *adoption* into your heart, I challenge you to lay all your fears, doubts, questions and insecurities at His feet. God is The Maker of 'The Plan' for your life. He will give you complete peace when you say YES to His call. And then there will be JOY! You will be a "happy mother" of children!!


Pat Casteen said...

Hey Jennifer

I loved your post! I never thought of adoption as plan B. Adoption was God's plan for us, we just had to wait for his timing. We are praying for you and your next adoption.

Lots of love,
Pat, Ronnie and Isabella

Carrie said...

Love it! I too have never thought adoption as plan b-I do have bio-children but I felt it was a call from God way before I had children or even a husband! Thank you for your post!